How to Increase Facebook Interaction

We understand it can be a little disappointing if your post in the Facebook Group doesn't receive many likes or comments. However, this is normal when you're starting out and you can get more interaction by following the steps below.

1. Use relevant hashtags. The purpose of the Facebook group is mainly to share photos and receive feedback on specific assignments from our courses. Members who use the relevant hashtags are much more likely to get likes and comments. To find out more about using hashtags, take a look at How to Use Hashtags

2. Ask for help. If you want to receive more in-depth feedback on your photos, just say so! Our more experienced members are often happy to share their knowledge and help you progress but they're more likely to help if you ask for it. Including some information about the photo and what you were trying to achieve also helps others appreciate your photos and provide better feedback.

3. Post one photo per post (alongside the original if it was edited). This focuses attention on just that one photo. It's like the principles of photography we teach in our courses, just have one photo as the focal point of your post and remove any other distractions to get the best engagement!

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